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GRNOG, the Greek Network Operators Group, is “a community of professionals that are involved in the design, implementation, provisioning and operation of Greek Internet services, networks and infrastructure”. The purpose of this group is to create a human network of professionals with common technical interests; to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and information among its members; to promote the cooperation between companies, bodies and parties related to the Greek Internet; to disseminate Greek and global Internet developments, emerging technologies, best operating practices and standards; and to develop tools, policies, practices and means of communication that facilitate day-to-day operations and long-term design and planning. ( Among other activities, GRNOG organises technical meetings and workshops. Those meetings are quite successful, with a large number of attendees from several companies and diverse sectors. Actually, these meetings have succeeded in being established as “the events where Greek networking people meet and discuss”. |

The magnitude of world’s humanitarian crisis is massive and no one can stand impassively towards human suffering. Apart from charity, we strive to offer our long-term support to NGO’s and underpin their contribution to fellow citizens that face challenges. Recently, we have supported the following non-profit organisations:

Protecting the environment is an everyday practice for all of us in Lamda Hellix. We constantly strive to minimize our carbon and environmental footprint throughout all the stages of our operation process.
Every year, we undertake several actions to highlight the need to be active members of our community. One of our main actions is that we annually celebrate UNEP’s World Environment Day supporting the theme that each year is adopted by the organization and focuses attention on a particularly pressing environmental concern that arises each year.