LAMDA Hellix aims to bring expertise and inform public and private organizations upon critical IT and telecommunication application and due to this strategic plan has launched a series of Quarterly Workshops emphasizing to the markets.

The first Quarterly Workshop of LAMDA Hellix upon “Availability, Continuity and Security of Mission Critical Applications” addreessed to senior executives of IT and Investment companies and successfully took place on Wednesday 27th of September 2006 at King George Palace.
Χορηγοί της εκδήλωσης ήταν η American Power Conversion, οι Αττικές Τηλεπικοινωνίες, η EMC Corporation και η ENCODE.

During the 1st Quarterly Workshop subjects such as Business Continuity Planning, Data Center Design Guidelines, Archiving in Financial Institutions was analized and relevant case studies presented. Keynote speakers form LAMDA Hellix was Apostolos Kakkos, CEO of the company and Giannis Noulis, Data Center Design & Development Projects Manager.