A hurricane, an earthquake, a fire or even a power failure can cause significant damage to your business. To own peace of mind, you need to have a complete recovery and business continuity plan in place.  

Since the early 80s, regulators in the US gradually started asking organizations in specific industries to have a complete business continuity plan in placeIt was “the fear” coming from a few natural disasters in the 1970s, and a prediction for what was expected. 

It was not until 2005 when hurricane Katrina made everyone realize that nature was holding a lot of surprises. Nowadays, the IT world considers business continuity a must for all types of organizations.  

For those still wondering, Business Continuity is all about creating resilience and strategies that will enable business operations to remain unaffected, no matter the disruption.

Disasters have evolved 

Uninterrupted productivity is now also connected with data breaches. We have all witnessed the recent examples of Yahoo and Uber which shocked the technology world and triggered an on-going discussion about trust and confidentiality.  

To that, organizations in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, not only have to face potential data breaches, they also have to deal with dangers caused by climate change. After all, the deadliest hurricanes have taken place only after 2005 (Hurricane Katrina), with severe and unforeseen effects. Hurricane Sandy in 2012 left more than $65 billion of damage.  

Under these circumstances, it is obvious that the majority of organizations (private and public) cannot afford downtime and recovery from an unexpected emergency has to done as quickly as possible.  

The benefits of a solid and scalable business continuity plan are clear.  

Once it is implemented, if an unforeseen event were to take place, an organization could mitigate risk, minimize downtime, remain compliant with regulations, and ensure customer data are safe and protected through proper records storage. 

Our unique approach to that 

From the very beginning, at Lamda Hellix, we designed our data center with this in mind: To offer our customers the opportunity for uninterrupted productivity in an environment which can constantly change and adapt to their needs.  

We offer dedicated business continuity seats, shared business continuity seats, and a brilliant workplace recovery service 

Find out more here and do not hesitate to contact our team.