Short-term planning and misleading priorities are among the most common mistakes companies do while trying to create their digital future. Find out more.  

Effective digital transformation is a top priority for most companies and for most executives looking to make a difference. Finding a critical balance between solutions and effectiveness is key. Yet, this balance requires careful planning and includes a large number of considerations to be taken into account. 

To that, avoiding pitfalls is never easy, but it is necessary in order to avoid increased costs.  

Let’s discuss the most important mistakes companies make during the process of digital transformation.   

Not planning for the long-term 

For many businesses, digital transformation comes as a “project”, with a start and an end-date. This is proven to be a big mistakeOrganizations have to be transformed with long-term thinking in mind. To that, it should be an ongoing processnot just aiming to make a difference within a specific time frame but mainly to work as an “engine’ continuously producing added value for the organization in the future.  

Technology as a tool, not as an obstacle 

We have seen organizations investing heavily in technologies and not been able to keep up with the new “workload” environment created. Often, employees do not have the skills to embrace this opportunity, or they are not managed well enough to embed this new approach in everyday operations. 

To that, managers have to keep in mind that technology solutions in a transformation framework should be treated as enablers only. Whether this means that new additions will replace older solutions or new solutions will be added, managers have to define the actual problem they are looking to solve by adopting these technologies.  

If a problem is not there, new solutions might actually even create it.  

Of course, this comes down to having a plan and having the right priorities.  

All teams involved have to understand both threats and opportunities and be driven by carefully planned and well-communicated deployments of infrastructure.  

Last, it is always critical that transformative solutions must be customer-centric in order to improve the relative customer experience. This approach is very important since it connects the investment (for the digital transformation) with the actual results. It brings the investments right next to the “market”, whatever this market may be.  

In closing, on a daily basis, we receive questions from customers regarding digital transformation. If you have questions, do not hesitate to reach our inbox via this form 

** Have you seen our White Papers on Business Continuity, on the GDPR, and on Green Data Centers? Download them for free here. **