Our customers often have questions regarding Business Continuity. Here are the 3 most common ones we receive  

Question 1: How can my business save money with business continuity? 

Business Continuity services become useful not only as part of a hybrid IT strategy but also when – under specific circumstances- your own company premises become unavailable.  

Ιn such a case, a Business Continuity service enables operations to remain active and the company to maintain customers and reputation, instead of losing everything with a single occurrence.  

In the meantime, this gives a particular advantage to any business whose competitors fail to deliver due to the same or to any similar occurrence.  


Question 2: What can interrupt operations for my business? 

As the world becomes increasingly unsafe, companies need to secure the way they operate…literary on a daily basis.  

Think of it this way: Right now, somewhere in the world there is a business trying to survive some kind of infrastructure outage. Statistically, often due to climate change, power outages are on the rise, living companies with serious damage to production, equipment, and reputation.  

Also, even more often we witness organizations getting out of business because of systems failure and human errors. It is not always easy to recover fast and effectively from this kind of incidents, especially if for some reason personnel is struggling to reach a facility 

Last, we all know that data breaches are on the rise, especially now that the world of the Internet of Things is available in all sorts of enterprise activities. Apart from business impact, the penalties enforced by the GDPR in such cases can deliver a deadly blow to a company.  


Question 3: We work with a Business Continuity provider but we don’t have a complete Business Continuity plan. Is this ok?  

No, this is not ok. Business Continuity providers such as Lamda Hellix are here to empower you with equipment, workplaces, connectivity, redundant systems in case your facilities are no longer available. However, it is your responsibility to train staff and have a complete Business Continuity plan in case of an emergency. For example, your staff should know exactly who does what, where they should go, how to keep processes running, how to contact providers and everything it takes in order to leverage the advantages of using a Business Continuity service.  

Should you have more questions on Business Continuity, please do not hesitate to contact our team via this form