We know data center managers have about “a million things” to keep in mind during the workdayWe also know there are many things that keep them awake at night. Here is list 

1. Hardware upgrades 

Upgrades on CPUs and other types of hardware often require replacements of multiple server parts and other resources. This alone can trigger a series of negative effects on operations (downtime), such as mishandling of resources and usage of parts which do not necessarily meet all technical requirements. 

2. Balancing people, machine, and their relationship 

Getting the right balance on the combination of automated processes and people running the data center is certainly not an easy task. Our experience of working with customers has shown that a “duty conflict” between technology and people is often a downtime “factor”. It is all about investing time test and fine-tune processes. 

3. Preparing for the future 

The design of a new data center should always take into account the future plans of the organization, in order to support growth along with technology advancements. Hardware and application, both have to be flexible, scalable, and with a cost-effective approach.  

4. Balancing operations with safety and security 

It goes without saying that optimal security and safety against digital or physical enemies are among the top concerns for a data center manager. The difficulty is to find the right balance between assets (hardware & software) and security, without leaving any “window of opportunity” open to anyone or anything might endanger operations.  

5. Working with the right suppliers 

Suppliers are also key to maintain operational efficiency. Choosing the rights ones can bring peace of mind to any data center managerDepending on the available budget, it is sometimes hard to find the right source for things such as cables, containers, racks etc., all hardware and software that will enable the data center to control costs and quality both at the beginning and also during scaling.  

Resolution: The key is to have the right partner 

Do all the above seem too much? Well in some cases they are. Getting the right consultant on-board and on-time can work miracles for data center managers. It is probablthe only way to avoid costly mistakes, unnecessary limitations, and unexpected downtime.  

Contact our team at Lamda Hellix to find out more.